
Picking up Ukraine 6

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Picking up Ukraine 6

Ukraine sighed in relief. After three or four dances that she and Canada had, they finally finished. She felt tired, though not tired enough to go to bed.

"That was a great evening." Matthew said, sitting beside her on the park bench.

The two were enjoying the view of the moon and stars, which shimmered gleefully, as if they were looking, being happy for them. Surprisingly, as well as luckily, there was a cool evening breeze that made the heat more bearable.

"Yes, it was!" Ukraine replied happily, looking at her date. "I haven't had fun like this in ages. Maybe even more." she looked to the sky next and sighed softly. "For years I've wanted to have someone with me, someone with whom I could share a wonderful day or night…"

Matthew raised a brow. "Really?"

Ukraine nodded. "Yes. Which is why me being here with you is so wonderful, Matthew. Thank you." she said, a blush appearing on her face.

Matthew blushed equally as much as her. Hearing such nice words made him feel special. For years he was always looked at, when looked at, at least, as "that guy who looks like America". His good friend Cuba often attacked him, confusing him for his brother, which put quite a strain to their relationship. And even Kumajiro… Matthew frowned a bit and looked to the ground, remembering every time Kumajiro looked at him and asked "Who?". Hearing that from his childhood friend was sad. But, now! Now knowing that someone thought so highly of him, it made Canada feel great. More than great in fact.

The blond felt fantastic. He raised his head and laughed.

Ukraine looked confused. "Huh? What's the matter? Did you think of a funny joke or something?"

Matthew, upon realizing he was laughing, stopped and looked back at Ukraine. "Err, yes, I did think of one, hehe." he said, though he really didn't.

Ukraine canted her head to the side. "And what was it? Could you tell me, please?"

Matthew blinked. "Err…" he thought. He thought and thought. But nothing really came to mind. "Uhm… knock knock?"

"Who's there?" Ukraine asked.

"Boo." Canada said with an awkward tone in his voice.

"Boo, who?" Ukraine asked, not really understanding the funny in this.

"Crybaby." Canada said… and promptly put a hand over his mouth when he saw Ukraine frown and instinctively tear up.

"I… I am a crybaby, aren't I?" she suddenly felt like there was a dark cloud looming over her or something.

"OHNONONONO! Katiyusha, really, you aren't! Really!" Canada yelped and tried to calm her down before she started crying.

The bushes behind them made shaky noises. Inside Bulgaria and Belarus were spying on the two Belarus wanted to pop out to stab Canada in his vital regions for making Ukraine tear up.

"Shhh, sit down, he didn't mean it like that, damn it!" Bulgaria tried to stop her, whispering.

"I don't care, he still made her sad, I'll cut his-" Bulgaria put a hand on Belarus' mouth and pulled her back down, sitting, much to the girl's protest.

Bulgaria shushed her again and pointed to Canada and Ukraine. "Look."

Belarus looked at them and her eyes lit up surprised. Canada had actually managed to calm down Ukraine and was now hugging her.

Ukraine, though with a tear or two in her eyes, didn't cry. The sudden hug made her calm down, though she did look surprise from it. "M-Matthew?" she asked, looking at him from the corner of his eye.

"I didn't mean to make you sad, I'm sorry." Matthew said lightly. "And I wasn't thinking of a joke either… I just. I just felt really good when I thought how nice you have been to me, how highly you think of me, Katiyusha!" he exclaimed.

"I…" Ukraine tried to speak. Did she really make him feel that way? She never thought about it, but the thought of it…

"Everyone else has always treated me like I don't exist, or confused me with my brother… or forgot who I was! But you, you've always been wonderful to me! Even when you could've declined going out with me, you didn't. And now, after the night we've experienced together… I… I'm really glad that I met you, Katiyusha!"

Bulgaria rolled his eyes. "A bit overdramatic, I think."

Belarus just nodded, but watched, while holding a knife tightly in her hand, just in case.

Ukraine's face lit up in a big blush. "Oh my… Matthew, I didn't know." She put her hands on his shoulders and tried to get him to let go so that she could look him in the face. When he did, she continued. "Of course I would treat you nice. You are a kind and sweet person. Even when Russia let me go, you gave me a place to stay. You would give an arm and a leg to help someone and I love you for it." She said softly.

Over the last few words she said, everyone froze.

Matthew's eyes were wide, mouth open, barely breathing.

Ukraine's eyes were also open wide, hands on her mouth, eyes shaking slightly.

Bulgaria stared with eyes wide open too, which was like… a first for him or something. "That was… unexpected to hear on their first date." he whispered.

Belarus also had her eyes open wide, which was kind of creepy, considering the pout she had on her face. "Why doesn't Big Brother tell me such kind things?" she thought out loud.

The silence went on for a minute.

Neither of them spoke.

Canada was the one to speak first. "You… love me?"

Ukraine didn't move for a bit, but then she nodded. "Y-yes."

Matthew tried to say something, but words really didn't seem to form well in his mind, which was getting foggy from the statement that he had just heard from Ukraine.

Bulgaria shook his fist. "Kiss her you fool!" he whispered, almost said loudly. Considering that at his place soap operas were running wild, every two minutes a new one popping up, he had seen quite allot of them and seen a scene like this, where the couple talks too much and almost never gets right down to kissing. "Kiss hhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeer!"

Belarus punched him in the arm. "Now who needs to be quiet, she scowled.

Luckily, this wasn't a soap opera.

Ukraine and Canada slowly, little by little, got close. Their lips met and a kiss came from this encounter. A sweet, innocent, gentle kiss.

Bulgaria almost jumped out of the bush. "Finally!"

Belarus watched, blushing. She felt jealous of her Big sister, who was having something that she herself always wished to have, someone to love her and return her feelings. 'Big Brother… why can't you be a bit like that blond fool?' she whispered to herself.

Little did she know that Bulgaria heard her said that. But he decided not to speak about it. He returned his focus on Canada and Ukraine, who were now embracing.

End of part 6
Part 6 8D

We get to see a kiss, Hallelujah ; u ;

*wiggles happily* I had fun writing this one.

Part 5: [link]
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Amazing. =3
I love Ukraine and Canada.